19. Classmate Blog Critique


I am critiquing Jamar's blog because of how well all his work is done and how organized his work is. I actually have taken some motivation from his work to make mine better.

One thing that impresses me most about his blog is his organization and how he shows a picture of each story he posts. I think his selection for his cover photos are done perfectly and makes the reader want to click and read the story. 

I also would like to appreciate the grammar he uses during his blog posts. Jamar's ability to have a good vocabulary and good grammar makes his posts seem more professional. 

I would also say that it impressed me how he was able to finish all 20 stories in such a short time. None of the stories look like they are rushed to be finished.

Something I would change to his website is maybe switching up the style or the font of a couple of the stories just so it doesn't look repetitive and has a flare to it. 


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